jeudi, 11 août 2011

Life is Elsewhere

I cannot help but be fascinated by this building. Everyday on my way to the monorail in KL, I pass this group of derelict block of flats and I can't help but be intrigued by the life that went on in what seems like small cells, holdings of life. The colours of the balconies are the only signs of the love and happiness that may, or may not have occured. That and the broken furniture that still stands in some of the rooms when I find myself looking inside. 
There are quite a few abandoned places amongst the bustling cityscape; Passing more on the monorail, two chairs are abandoned, they are still left facing one another outside; a moment of connection now abandoned; A ghost. The physicality of a memory now lost but the shell remains.
It always seems life is elsewhere; vanished before its even realised.
Perhaps the thought is melancholic but it is a reminder at the start of the day; to breathe in life, and appreciate the small things and the kindness of people. Even the ones that push against you when its crammed rush hour and an armpit is in your face.

Mei (Kuala Lumpur, August 2011)