lundi, 23 janvier 2012

Set in Stone, Set in Paper.

A generation passes through time so quickly, that it is often outlived by the ideals it defines and the actions it undertakes. There is something so impermanent about the few years we spend on Earth, often mostly in the same place, that some of our endeavours will be relatively speaking permanent and egocentric, in the sense that they will outlive us and only take into account the immediate and local situation, for better or worse. Our minds and hearts can change so quickly, yet what we Set in Stone develops it's own resilience. And even more so, what we Set in Paper.
Bureaucracy, Laws, Regulations, Charters, Maps... has man ever set up Walls so Grand?
What is Set in Stone and Paper must first be set in one's mind.
Beware of what your mind desires, for better or for worse, your words and acts may well remain long after you are gone; beware of what your collective mind desires or one generation may awaken prisoner to the collective mind of the generation before it.
What might seem necessary to some, today, might seem unacceptable to most tomorrow, but the cinders remain; let us hope that time will heal our hearts, bring us together and that man's collective love, reason and critical thinking will overcome man's collective prejudice, blind beliefs and dogma.
Hope for the best, prepare for the worst; but hope nevertheless.

A. (Bethlehem and Jerusalem/January 2012)